On April 12, the UUS Ministerial Search Committee announced that Rev. Diana Smith is their recommended candidate to become the congregation’s next settled minister. Rev. Diana emerged as the consensus choice of the committee after a months-long process that culminated in a rigorous review of three final pre-candidates.
Rev. Diana was ordained in 2018 after earning a Masters of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School in Boston, and for the past two years she has served as interim minister of the Woodinville UU Church, a mid-size congregation northeast of Seattle. She also holds a Master of Planning degree, and from 2005-2015 coordinated environmental projects in the Pacific Northwest, while also being deeply involved in crisis intervention and in various roles at the Olympia UU Congregation.
Candidating Week
Rev. Diana will virtually engage with the UUS community in a variety of ways during a ten-day Candidating Week beginning on Wednesday, April 22. She will lead services on April 26 and May 3, with a congregational vote on her nomination following the latter service. Candidating Week will also include numerous online meetings with UUS members, groups, and staff.
Candidating Week Events
Highlights of Candidating Week, including all public events, are listed below. You may also view the full schedule of events for the week in printable format.
All Candidating Week events will be accessible through a special Candidating Week Zoom link: bit.ly/UUSZoomCandidatingWeek (Meeting ID: 969 9575 5227, Password: 007547) or joining by phone at 312-626-6799 and entering the meeting ID and password.
If you have any questions or have difficulties accessing events, please contact Dave Martin at dndmartin1@mchsi.com or 319-621-3889.
- Wednesday, April 22nd: Virtual Potluck from 6 to7 pm, meeting opens at 5:45 pm (Send questions for Rev. Diana in advance to dndmartin1@mchsi.com)
- April 23rd through May 2nd: Multiple time slots for Rev. Diana to meet virtually with staff, teams, and committees
- Thursday, April 23rd: Virtual Board Meeting at 6:30 pm
- Friday, April 24th: Virtual Family Fun Night at 7 pm
- Sunday, April 26th: Rev. Diana will lead the virtual Sunday service at 10 am
- “A Dry Spot in a Thunderstorm”: Join us online or by phone this Sunday as our ministerial candidate leads us in reflecting on finding strength and meaning amidst the chaos; places of peace, ease, and renewal amidst the weariness; and a call in the mystery. Use the normal Sunday Zoom information to join the service: Link to Join, Meeting ID: 422 482 660, password 006311 or join by phone: (312) 626-6799
- Wednesday, April 29th: Dinner Church. Sharing a meal with others is a sacred act that deepens relationships and creates a lasting bond between people and communities. By taking time to eat together, even if we are not physically together, we nourish ourselves in body and spirit. On Wednesday evening, April 29th, Ministerial Candidate Rev. Diana Smith will hold space for a Dinner Church gathering where we will eat and talk together about where we find beauty and awe in the world and how it nourishes us, even in these challenging times. All are welcome to begin joining the Zoom call at 5:45 pm. We’ll begin our formal time together at 6 pm with a chalice lighting, song, reading, and short reflection from Rev. Diana before we move into small discussion groups.
- Sunday, May 3rd: Rev. Diana will lead the virtual Sunday service at 10 am.
- “Weaving the Threads”: A tapestry can be woven in many ways, with threads old and new, of joy and sorrow, and of justice, love, courage, learning, and growth. Join us online or by phone as our ministerial candidate leads us in reflecting on the tapestry we’re weaving together. Use the normal Sunday Zoom information to join the service: Link to Join, Meeting ID: 422 482 660, password 006311 or join by phone: (312) 626-6799
May 3rd Congregational Vote: A special congregational meeting will be held after the service for members to vote on whether to call Rev. Diana as our settled minister. Voting Instructions and absentee paper ballots were sent to members on April 22nd. Contact Board President Amy Fretz with questions: amymhere@gmail.com.
Learn more
Visit Rev. Diana’s website to learn more about her background and personal theology, and to listen to recorded sermons.
She has also recorded an introductory video message to the congregation.
Watch Rev. Diana’s message from the April 26th Sunday service, “A Dry Spot in a Thunderstorm.”