The March issue of the UUS News is now available. Download it here (PDF), or find it and past issues on our website (scroll down and click the Newsletters link on the left hand tab). Hard copies will be mailed to subscribers and can be picked up in the front vestibule of the UUS building.
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Fireside Choir Spotlight: Jim Laughlin
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Ministerial Search Cottage Meetings
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Community Purchase for Climate Action
The quickest, easiest, and cheapest way to start playing a part in slowing climate change is making sure the light and water in your home is as energy efficient as possible. UUS and the Green Sanctuary Team are partnering with the Johnson Clean Energy District (JCED) to purchase LED bulbs and low-flow showerheads for members and friends of the congregation. Click for more information on how to make an order.
South District Neighborhood Association is our January Community Partner
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