We hope you’ll join us for this special service installing Rev. Diana Smith as our minister on Sunday, October 24th, at 3 pm.
The act of installation is a joyful celebration of the covenantal relationship between a minister and the congregation that has called the minister. In the installation service, we will honor and celebrate the promises we are making to one another and the shared ministry we are creating together.
The service will be multi-platform, with both in-person and virtual participants. Seating at UUS is limited due to COVID and in-person participants were required to register in advance.
Virtual participants do not need to register.
Join us via Zoom
(Meeting ID: 854 1554 4085, Passcode: 753185).
If you are a local member or friend of UUS, please have your Installation Celebration Bag with you for the service (whether you attend in person or virtually). You may want to also grab some colorful pens or markers.
Celebration bags should have been delivered between October 17th and 23rd. If you did not receive a celebration bag and would like one, there are also additional bags available to pick up either in the entryway before the service, or at the service if you attend in person.
If you’re not at UUS and don’t have a celebration bag, please collect these items for the service: a candle and something to light it with, a piece of paper and colorful crayons or markers, a dish with some water or oil, and some seeds.
Link to a PDF version of the Order of Service (formatted as a trifold 8.5×11).