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Aug. 16, 2020 sermon. The racial justice movement has accelerated with new energy in 2020, and it asks each of us to become aware of our role, our privilege, our shortcomings, our conflicts, and our challenges. UUS member Kirk Witzberger explores the contradictions we’ll face, the wisdom we’ll need to address them, and how deep “response-ability” is called for.
Compassion is the New Radicalism
Nov. 29, 2020 sermon. In Eastern thought three poisons are named: Greed, Anger, and Misperception; all three lead to individual and collective suffering. The antidote to suffering is compassion. To celebrate the environmental work of the United Nations, the Green Sanctuary Team invites Dr. Udaykumar’s reflections on how the environmental crisis can be addressed by cultivating and practicing compassion towards the planet and all sentient beings.
Meeting the World
Sept. 20, 2020 sermon. “You must meet the outer world with your inner world or existence will crush you,” says spiritual teacher Mark Nepo. Developing practices where we can meet the world with our hearts is all the more needed in these pandemic times. UUS Community Minister Lois Cole shares lessons in resilience from her ministry as a hospital chaplain at the UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital.
Burning Bowl Service
Jan. 3, 2021 sermon. This New Year’s ritual, led by UUS Worship Asscociate Dan Gall, is an opportunity to release the past year and find hope as we enter the next.
Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resiliance
Nov. 15, 2020 sermon. UUS Member Aiden M. Bettine explores questions of collectivity and solidarity in the fight for transgender rights and reflects on how to build a trans-inclusive society. This service is in honor of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, an annual day of mourning that occurs on November 20.
Sexuality Through a UU Lens
July 19, 2020 sermon. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education, this service explores the Unitarian Universalist perspectives on sexuality and our internationally acclaimed Our Whole Lives curriculum. Dr. Melanie Davis is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Program Manager.