UU Mystics- C & Zoom B

Join the UU Mystics on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month in the Conference Room after services (11:30 am to 1 pm). The UUS Mystics is a group for anyone who has an interest or personal experience with what is commonly referred to as “mystical experiences.” We will share our stories, and explore...

UUS Men’s Sharing Circle- H&O

All adult UUS members and friends who identify as male are invited to join us to a founding meeting for a new circle. Goal of this new men's group will be to share our joys and sorrows, practice deep listening, and offer support when needed. We will meet in the Hickory & Oak Rooms at UUS...

UU Buddhist Sangha- Zoom B


The virtual Buddhist Sangha meeting takes place weekly, on Mondays, from 7 to 8:30 pm, with social time before the meeting at 6:45.While you can join in Zoom with audio and video if you want to just join with audio and chat messaging that works great as well. (Link to Join, Meeting ID: 488 251 282, Passcode:...

CUUPs Lunations-Outside Zoom

"What if for each moon cycle you practiced thinking, feeling, knowing like something else?" - Sophie Strand The UU Covenant of UU Pagans (CUUPs) invites you to join us each lunar cycle to choose a being, an animal, plant, or landscape feature to come into greater contact with.  Your being for the lunar cycle can be...

WonderfUUl Wednesday

Part of our All Ages RE programming, we are excited to offer WonderfUUL Wednesdays on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. Doors open at 5:30 with a potluck meal (vegan and gluten-free entree provided) at 6:00. Each evening will feature 2-3 activities, classes or discussions to choose from and you are also invited...

Regeneration – Book Discussion Zoom B and Oak/Hickory

"Regeneration offers a visionary new approach to climate change, one that weaves justice, climate, biodiversity, equity, and human dignity into a seamless tapestry of action, policy, and transformation that can end the climate crisis in one generation." Join us in person or on Zoom for this book discussion.

UUS Board Meeting – Zoom A and C

The UUS Board of Trustees holds a meeting, open to all members, each month at 7 pm on the third Wednesday. Look for an agenda in the weekly email or on the website before the meeting. (Link to Join, Meeting ID 891 3256 0297, password  228948, or join by phone).

Newsletter Submission Deadline

All event announcements or reports for the upcoming issue of the UU News are due to the office by noon today. Contact: UUS Office (337-3443, admin@uusic.org)

UUS Singers Rehearsal- S


Join in singing as we prepare choral pieces and hymns for Sunday services. Weekly rehearsals of the UUS Singers take place from 7 to 8:30 pm on Thursdays in the Sanctuary at UUS. If you are thinking whether joining in to sing is for you, please come and find out! Contact Director of Congregational Music Alex...

Land Ministry- UUS

The Land Ministry Team plans for uses of the outdoor areas and leads in the implementation of those plans, including the community garden, labyrinth, children’s playscape, the woodlands and trails, and the memorial garden. Land Ministry also coordinates volunteers and contractors to care for our trees and grasses, bio-retention cells, and special projects. The Land...