Sunday Service- S & YouTube Live
SanctuaryThis will be a multiplatform service, with congregants and visitors welcome to join in person or watch over YouTube Live.If joining in person, plan to arrive 9:40 – 9:58 am so...
This will be a multiplatform service, with congregants and visitors welcome to join in person or watch over YouTube Live.If joining in person, plan to arrive 9:40 – 9:58 am so...
Virtual participants are invited to join a Zoom social hour after the service each week (Link to Join, Meeting ID: 853 6642 6271, Passcode: 724555)
Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group meet in the oak and hickory rooms. Lunch is provided. Please make sure our DLRE is aware of any food restrictions.
Join the UU Mystics on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month in the Conference Room after services (11:30 am to 1 pm). The UUS Mystics is a group for...
UUS adult men are invited to gather together on the first Sunday of most months from 6 to 8 pm to socialize in a casual setting. We will be meeting...